A Very Sexy Christmas Party

Hayley Marie Coppin, Daisy Watts, Christmas, topless
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Description: The models at OnlyTease had a very sexy Christmas party where they all dressed up and then dressed down. I never get invited to things like this, not even once.

Views: 90926 Date: 12/23/11 Favorited: 16 favorites

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Every one a stunner - I know what I want to find in my stocking for Christmas.
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The xmas parties I went to usually involved making awkward conversation with coworkers I don't want to hang out with yet still am because it's an unspoken obligation.
Now no one has money so there aren't any more xmas parties.
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In case anyone wanted the full list of models in this gallery, they are: Daisy Watts, Elle Richie, Hayley Marie Coppin, India Reynolds, Lucy Anne and Rosie W
june pearl replied:
Thanks Man...
mOOse replied:
yeah, thanks man. :P

(michelle is a chick, who works on the site!)