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Thursday, May 22nd 2014

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Misty Gates Whale Sex Tape, Take 2

Some time ago and early on in Misty's adult adventures, she made a sex tape with a blow up whale. Well now the whale is back..

Wednesday, November 21st 2012

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A College Lesbian Experience in Song

College is the ideal time to be adventurous with your sexuality. These two ladies turned someone's first lesbian experience into an hilarious song!

Wednesday, March 23rd 2011

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Bikini-Top Girl Faceplants

Description from YouTube as I'm feeling lazy: This girl tries to use a grocery cart to achieve flight, but fails with a spectacular nosedive, landing right on her twin engines.

Wednesday, November 19th 2014

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Hot 'Nurse' Gives Guys a Testicular Exam in Public

And by nurse we mean a random hot girl dressed up in a nurse's outfit! This is all to raise awareness for testicular cancer.

Monday, February 6th 2012

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Ukranians Know How to Sell Helmets

This is a apparently a real ad from Russia advertising a helmet. The girl in it just happens to be wearing only a bra, and her boobs just happen to be very bouncy.

Friday, December 3rd 2010

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Diet Tips from a Hottie

Hottiegram's Ryan Fox has the perfect advice on how to shed some of those extra pounds. Who would've thought it was that easy, thanks Ryan Fox!

Tuesday, January 29th 2013

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Porn on the Bus

Only in... Spain?! I guess someone put in the wrong DVD. The Bus attendant sure can move fast when he needs to.

Monday, May 20th 2013

Husband Busts Wife and Lover, Dramatic Escape Ensues

This is some real life Jerry Springer shit, complete with a balcony and a rope made up of bed sheets.

Monday, July 6th 2015

Aussie's Commentary on Hot Mexican Weather Girl's Reporting

We posted a video of her recently (here) and since then she has continued to garner fame all over the world including in Australia!

Thursday, February 2nd 2012

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Joe Goes to Fit Expo

You may remember Joe from his visit to the Exxxotica Expo. This time he takes on some really fit people and we finally get the answer to whether masturbation counts as exercise.

Friday, February 15th 2013

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How To Get A Guy To Notice You While You're Having Sex With Him

A dating expert shares her tips for getting the attention of that guy thrusting his erection inside of you.

Wednesday, October 3rd 2012

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Bar Refaeli's Sex Tape Kickstarter

Bar Refaeli announces her new campaign to raise money for the filming of her sex tape. Poor girl, if only there were enough interested people to make it happen..

Thursday, December 16th 2010

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Beer Promo Girl Gets it in the Face

If she's so put off by beer just imagine her reaction if something else happened to land there. Oh and minus points for spitting! Looks like it's a clever viral ad for

Monday, July 12th 2010

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Sexy Girl Blows a ..Vuvuzela

The World Cup is over which means this will hopefully be one of the last times you hear the wrath of the Vuvuzela. Thanks to!


Nikki Davis Wet T-Shirt on a Beach

This is the video to go with this gallery of the lovely Nikki Davis posing in our S&F on a beautiful Hawaiian beach.