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Thursday, March 27th 2014

favorites 7

Adult Toons 53!

It's Jerry's turn again to entertain you this week. Just a heads up.. iIf any of you do make out with a sheep, we don't wanna see it.

Thursday, August 15th 2013

favorites 2

Adult Toons 39!

10 more fresh toons courtesy of Jerry. I disagree with one of the toons though, hookers can be a great investment!

Thursday, January 9th 2014

favorites 7

Adult Toons 48!

I swear Dan (our cartoonist) gets better and better with each batch. Or maybe he's just figuring out what you sick bastards like? Either way, enjoy!

Friday, June 21st 2013

favorites 6

Adult Toons 36!

The more attentive of you may notice we're actually a day late with the toons. Well, what we lack in punctuality we'll hopefully make up in the funny. Oh and cartoon boobs of course.

Thursday, August 29th 2013

favorites 4

Adult Toons 40!

Gotta love the artwork in Dan's toons! The 4th one looks like the beginning of a great night..

Friday, June 6th 2008

favorites 2

Weekly Toons 14

Not sure who I'm kidding with the "weekly" title as it's clearly been almost 3 weeks since the last one. Alas, enjoy the new batch.

Thursday, October 2nd 2008

favorites 1

Weekly Toons 18

This is why calling things "weekly" is a bad, bad idea. The last edition was posted over a month and a half ago. Anyway, on with the toons!

Saturday, July 12th 2008

Weekly Toons 16

Here's the next edition of toons featuring all the usual suspects.

Thursday, June 26th 2014

favorites 6

Adult Toons 59!

Can't believe it's already been two weeks since the last edition of toons. Where have the days gone? Oh right, the soccer World Cup..

Thursday, February 6th 2014

favorites 5

Adult Toons 50!

Hooray! We've made it to a mini-milestone with the toons! I dare one of you to pull an Ed for Valentine's Day.. Man, that's classic Ed right there.

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Midori's S&F Strip at Moose Bar

As you may or may not know, I go by the handle 'mOOse' on this site and our forums. So imagine my delight when I saw this set of Midori in my inbox. She truly is sexy and funny.