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Friday, October 25th 2013

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McDonalds Drive Thru Seduction

Take note ladies, his is how you make someones day. He wasn't even a little bit mad.

Monday, January 14th 2013

favorites 33

Havoc Hailey Finds a Sexy Mermaid

This week Havoc goes out in search of a hottie willing to play a mermaid for an hour. With a little convincing it'll be a topless mermaid too!

Thursday, October 11th 2018

favorites 6

Lost Bets Games: Roxy & Gracie

Last time, Roxy and Gracie were playing foosball, this time it's Pirate Penguins. The game changed but they both end up naked again.

Sunday, August 31st 2014

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Japanese Porn Stars Donate Their Boobs for a 24 Hour Squeezathon!

Twelve Japanese adult movie stars offered up their boobs on Saturday for a squeeze in a bid to raise awareness for AIDS in the industry.

Friday, September 14th 2018

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British Couple Visits Sweden

This fairly conservative husband and wife get a bit of a shock when they visit a Swedish couple. The clip is from the English comedy 'Hale and Pace'.

Monday, March 17th 2014

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Does My Friend Have a Big Butt?

This is the second yoga pants prank these guys have done, but this one also features an actual female so we decided to feature it.

Thursday, October 21st 2010

favorites 49

Host Makes His Guest Put a Bra On

From the 1980's Canadian sketch show 'Bizarre' comes this sexy and funny clip. We of course get to see the 'inappropriately' dressed guest take her shirt off and put a bra on.

Tuesday, September 20th 2011

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Rules to Rugby (Sexy Edition)

With all this hype about the Rugby World Cup, we felt it was our duty to ensure everyone truly understood the rules of the game.

Monday, July 7th 2014

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Accidental Fall in Women's Handball Leads to an Interesting Position

This clip is from a Danish handball league. For a second there I thought they were going to kiss.

Monday, April 23rd 2012

favorites 22

NakedNews: Abusive Bloopers!

All of bloopers from this weeks blooper real have one thing in common and that is the girls flipping the bird like there's no tomorrow. Funnily enough they censor it with, uh, birds.

Wednesday, July 13th 2016

Playboy Morning Show: Body Type

This game is all about body type although maybe not what you think. Andrea cheats a little at the end but since she does it by showing her tits, we'll allow it.

Monday, October 15th 2012

John is Expanding..

As John expands he contains a lot of moisture. It's too bad those little arrows at the end didn't line up better with John's 'head'.

Friday, November 15th 2013

favorites 15

Food Disintegrator Eats a Woman's Dress

This is a scene from an old British comedy called Adventures of a Plumber's Mate. Sexy and funny!

Wednesday, August 23rd 2017

favorites 16

Lost Bets Games: Rock, Paper, Scissors and Naked Yoga

There are only two losers but everybody gets naked in this edition of Lost Bets Games; nice punishment too. Well, nice for us, anyway.


favorites 37

Random Photos 267

If my mechanic looked like this my life mission would become to find ways to break to my car. This is one of the best (or worst) YouTube comments ever. And finally, boobies.