Virginia Has Boob Exposed During Interview

Description: Just before getting on the catwalk, the very fit model Virginia Dobrich gets manhandled during a backroom interview!

Views: 232853 Date: February 17, 2010 Favorited: 33 favorites

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+ -
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I'd like to know how these guys who host these shows in countries other than those hosted here in the United States of America can get away with pulling down the top or the top of the dress that some girl is wearing and expose a breast or both breasts without the girl getting pissed or throwing a lawsuit at them the way it would probably happen, at least more often than naught in all likelihood, here in the United States of America.
+ -
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I wanna know who the girl in the first few seconds is. =[
Mzaky replied:
she's amazing isn't she... but the virginia's body kills it too
thirstyrabbit replied:
That's Sabrina Ravelli in the first couple of seconds - didn't think she'd be noticed..!
+ -
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Works for me - and that is a lovely boob.

(and smile, and eyes, and...)
+ -
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Doesn't play for me. :,-(
eRayza replied:
me either....
DarthFurby replied:
Try sucking less