Upskirt While Britney's on the Phone

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Hundreds of exclusive hi-def upskirt videos, with more added constantly.

Description: She's on the top of stairs and her short skirt provides quite the view. This is from the same folks that brought you, so you know it's good!

Views: 205037 Date: March 4, 2011 Favorited: 26 favorites

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joshm78 said:
Set up... and she's flabby...

And you of course have such a fine selection to choose from, which is why you are on this site...
pauli-b- replied:
pauli-b- replied:
its obviously a set up its a soft porn vid dickhead....and flabby behave you wouldn't say no
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Set up... and she's flabby...
fuchergood11 replied:
What on God's sweet earth are you talking about? I love black women, but I would hit this with some good d@#k any day. This is a beautiful woman, and I wanted to know what flab are you seeing? Or you must be one of those guys who want their woman to look so cut, they look like a man! As for me , I would mate with this fine babe in a hot second! She is sexy, with the curves a woman is supposed to have, in all the right places!
mOOse replied:
ummm... of course it's set up. it's from a paysite that hires models and films them in upskirt scenarios.
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this is the view and the reason that explains why the human species will
never become extinct.