Two Babes Get Cash to do Naked Snow Angels

video courtesy of: Full crazy videos at!
(Hardcore Warning)

Description: Let me beat you to it, yes this is setup but it doesn't take away from it being worth a watch. Unless you dislike naked girls in the snow..

Views: 377769 Date: June 2, 2011 Favorited: 50 favorites

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+ -
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I had so much dick able so it hurt. and this video was SOO sexy.
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I am new here, this is the best website for me! and the video WAS GOOOOD
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That was good. Yes, it was indeed good.
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The presenter was trying to be funny when she took the clothes and the girls were probably like "what a bitch"
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Even though the footage is staged, ultimately these girls were still paid to get naked in front of a camera, it's kinda legit.

I'd like to see that presenter get naked. She's smokin!
mOOse replied:
i like the way you think! i'll try to find a video of the reporter naked for you..
napebaf replied:
The reporter is Havoc Hailey, and there is indeed a good vid of her naked. Catch is that it bears the Reality Kings watermark, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a promo clip like this one. So, it's up to Moose to get permission to use it as a promo here.
mOOse replied:
we already have permission to feature whatever we want (as long as it's only a couple of minutes).. so it's just a matter of knowing the name of that video!
napebaf replied:
Took some searching, but it looks the vid is called "Delicious Overture." The full vid is 19 min long, but you can probably cut it down. There are also a couple 4 min snippets already out there, but I'm pretty sure they aren't legit.
mOOse replied:
found it! thanks napebaf!
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