Treat of the Month Taylor Vixen Takes Off her Bikini

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Description: She's Penthouse's Pet of the Year 2010 and Twistys Treat of the Month for March so you know she's doing something right.

Views: 128966 Date: March 8, 2011 Favorited: 51 favorites

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That was amazing, she is proof of the existence of God. Only He could make something so divine.
vanadium322 replied:
Or, you know, maybe her momma had something to do with it.
Shakros replied:
I have to agree with you pmp, she is too hot to be a creation of mortals. However, with all the atheists out there you might wanna watch what you say and where you say it. Mostly because they're too damn stubborn to admit earth and everything on it is NOT some random coincedence.
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