Topless French Cowgirl

Description: Ok, I have no idea what she's talking about but I get the feeling it's something funny. If any French speaking people could clue us in that would be nice!

Views: 99761 Date: October 15, 2010 Favorited: 13 favorites

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bon jour.=oui mademoiselle=comment aallez-vous=tre's,bien merci=asseyez-vous s'il vous plaiy=comment va votre famille=non,merci,je ne veux rien=je vous remercie je veux que tu sois heureux=laissez -moi tranquille=vous devez e'tre fatique= nesayez pas impatient=aimeriez-vous une tasse de thi=j' aimerais un verre de vin
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I live in the 'old west' city of Cheyenne. It's too bad it isn't really like this.
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She's Aurelie from the discontinued weather segment "la Grave Meteo" of the French News sketch show "les Graves Infos". She was the best, show finished in early 2010. Vive Aurelie!!
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great body great breasts hope she a nudist
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She's a weather girl, she's doing a little sketch like if she his a cowboy in the farwest. Nothing really interesting. Looking is way better then understanding what she's saying.

Sorry for my english i'm better in french...
nooberino replied:
Hi strangers, I was waiting for you
you came to get your forecast for tuesday, 22 sept?
there, i'll give it to you, 265th day of the year
but before that, you'll have to go over my body, come get, come get this forecast on my plucked [skin] (this is worrdplay on 'over my dead body')
nooberino replied:
you are ready? (draw gun)
pow! (argh!)
slut shit
good god slut damn shit what will I do (ok word for word is too long)
i killed the intern, he made such a good coffee
i'm a little shook up
wasn't always like that, I used to live on a farm in the country, my dad would bring me into town while my mom prepared the dinner
she goes off on a weird tangent then gets aggressive with the cameraman
weird shit, likely improv
mOOse replied:
haha, thanks guys.