Topless Balance Beam Routine

Description: Not the freshest video of all time but chances are that even if you have seen it before, you won't mind seeing it again. I just can't believe we didn't get to see a dismount..

Views: 223893 Date: April 7, 2008 Favorited: 23 favorites

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ya they are from my poor country, they got more money doing this than from gymnastic, but still isnt a nice thing for best gymnastyc school in the world, remember Nadia
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Her tits move so gracefully, and I guess its a good thing she has on panties.I'm sure doing that would cause her pussy to flex in ways you don't want to see a pussy flex
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Amazing tits, and yeah, no panties would have made this all the better.
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God Bless Boobies!
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She is one of the Euro Angels. They are a group of champion (some gold medal winning) gymnests that did a nude video that was to be distributed in Japan. They were kicked off their respective teams for doing this. The have a website at
MikeA25 replied:
This one's name is Corina Ungureanu
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Seen it several times before but it`s still amusing.
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Yes....I have the video of the "slow mo" running where her chee chees are bouncing to all glory! This is the first I saw this one. that means there's more where this came from. We need someone to find out who she is, what her myspace is, what her website is ..and so on..

Nice rack, nice fat cookie, cute panties....oh what I wouldn't do to become that balance bar! MMmmmmm!
mOOse replied:
check out Erasmus72s reply to my comment, he's got her nailed
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Oh I'd love to see this whole video!! From memory the three gymnasts did like nude yoga & floor routines... fantastic...

I can understand why she's wearing panties here though... she wouldn't want to have a slippery surface to contend with ;-)
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wanna know wat always bugs me about this video? she's wearing panties but no bra wouldn't her breast be more in the way then her clit?
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I love these clips. What I want to know is where can I get the DVD?
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lol.... her large tits became her downfall!!!!!!!
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A true classic! This is how you get guys to watch gymnastics!
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Who doesn't want to bang a gymnist.
I'd let her balance on my beam.
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Redneck212 said:
I bet it takes alot of work to be able to do some of the things she did but anyways thats a great video man but just think how much better it would have been if she went bottomless as well :D

i'm pretty sure she's a well known gymnast in the uh.. gymnast world. maybe someone will be able to chime in with her name.
Erasmus72 replied:
Don't remember the specifics, but I know this was part of a video done in Japan with 3 ex-gymnasts from the Russian/USSR Olympic team from the early 90's.

Think their names were Presecan, Ungureanu and Milosovici... But don't quote me on it.
Erasmus72 replied:
Yup... Claudia Presecan, Corina Ungureanu and Lavinia MiloFovici from the Romanian Gymnast team from the early 1990's.
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I bet it takes alot of work to be able to do some of the things she did but anyways thats a great video man but just think how much better it would have been if she went bottomless as well :D