The Naked Experiment

Description: A bizarre clip from Germany featuring a couple who decide to start living their every day life.. naked. You can find two other clips in this thread.

Views: 554593 Date: November 7, 2008 Favorited: 66 favorites

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I wish she'd held up a foot to the camera! I bet her dirty soles looked fantastic!
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She Looks great naked :)
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this is how we should be living ou lives..........NAKED...........and if you needed another reason just look at her body she perfect very attactive
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For those who want to know what the video says in English. Here is it:
They just talk about: Why and when the humans decided to wear clothes, instead of running naked around like they were born.
asdfjkl; replied:
i think ppl should not wear clothes
Dinkytoy replied:
That's hogwash! How many of us have nice, flawless figures and skin like that? Just go to any nude beach and you'll wish you had stayed home! Not a pretty sight.
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hey !! people feel real good !!! but your wife won't let you see that :)
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can you also post the other two videos? thx a lot!!
hannelius replied:
the other two clips floating around are just her and him and they're very short...
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Thank you 'cobra', you are correct sir. But she is a pretty girl, and pretty bold ! Good video ....
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As a nudist the only thing I can really say is eww neither one put down a towel or any thing before sitting. That would give the 15 yo boys something if she was riding a bike. =D Who would want to sit in someone else juices?? if it doesn't bother u then I guess sleeping in the wet spot doesn't faze u much either, lol.
hannelius replied:
i'd love to sit in her juices...
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In the US, naked is erotic. In other countries, naked is just expression, comfort and even a way of life so its really not that big of a deal. It goes to show you how FREE we are not.

I say, let the nakedness begin!
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man, that's typical German TV! If they would show something like that on US TV, or even try to, I'm sure they would put the producers as well as the actors into jail and shut down the TV station.
But in Germany they show it at ca. 7PM, and even children can view it...but it isn't meant to be erotic anyway, since the show on which it is, "Galileo', is meant to be a (pseudo)scientific show..:D
vduigi replied:
It's America's way of preserving the erotic nature of nudity.