Susana from a Spanish Movie
Description: A funny clip from an old Spanish movie called Camarero Nocturno. If someone can offer a translation it may make a little more sense!
Views: 294963
Date: May 8, 2008
Favorited: 44

woman: I'll explain later Papito, I;ll explain later... Why don't you fix me up something to eat while I take a shower.
man: No, no wait a second... Joaquin is going to kill me. Miss don't do that please 'cause I'm shaving... The bathroom is occupied.
woman: I'll be out in a minute.
man: Miss Alba, miss... I gotta be at the hotel.
woman: Do you like how this one fits me? Or would you rather this one...
man: no no.. wait..don't do this to me... your gona kill me! lady please don't do this.... i'm shaving! the... the... bath is occupied.. em em..
woman: (she says something but sound quality isn't good)
man: Lady lady! i need to be in the hotel.... lady! (change of scene)