Stripped by Mind Control

Description: Hilariously bad acting is the only reason this video is tagged as funny. Another instant classic from sodapopuk.

Views: 390550 Date: March 10, 2009 Favorited: 83 favorites

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turnerjer0000 said:
Please please please... where can the rest of this movie (or at least this scene) be found?
turnerjer0000 said:
Please please please... where can the rest of this movie (or at least this scene) be found?
It is Star Whores. IF you search for it. it is on DvD Number 2, I am not sure the actual episode, but there is a palce to get the whole DvD free on Line. I am not 100% sure of the ToS here but I am loathe to post a link to it or my E-mail. So all i can suggest is to search for it.

Again there are 3 DvD's this is on the second one with the long auburn haired girl on the front cover.
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ebrkf14 said:
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dukee54 replied:
The middle girl seems to be really getting into it.
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I want to have that power. I would have sex with the middle woman
sodapopuk replied:
The middle one is Michelle Thorne
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what's the name of that movie ?
wrg replied:
Yeah, nobody knows the name of the movie?!
sodapopuk replied:
I'm about 75% sure that I recorded this from a show called Star Whores around 2000. The two blondes are Michelle Thorne & Kelle Marie ( the shorter haired one)
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Please please please... where can the rest of this movie (or at least this scene) be found?
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The Pamela Anderson lookalike in the middle is not that bad: at least she tries to act. But the brunette on her right is terrible.
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we need to see the bloopers....
mOOse replied:
judging by the quality of acting in the final cut, i doubt there were any..
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love the landing strips they're rockin'! wish we had the rest of this...
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i likes how being under mind control makes you do the robot at 1:10 , also they couldn't afford to all have the same uniform? This movie looks like an instant classic!! What is the name??