Strip Indoor Hockey with 3 Hotties

Description: The rules are simple, everyone except for the goal scorer has to take an item of clothing off! The girl in the pink shorts had a pretty impressive goalkeeping run.

Views: 307226 Date: February 2, 2011 Favorited: 71 favorites

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+ -
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I really don't get why there aren't any naked models with actual skills in sports. How hot would it be to see a well toned, naked body doing something awesome!
In stead we get these woman that shows motoric skills my arthritis infested gandmother would be ashamed of. Apalling!
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I think you will all agree that this video finely demonstrates that the less clothes female wear when performing sports the better they actually perform.
I therefor feel very strongly that the performing sports while being nude should be highly encouraged towards female sporters.
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Une fois de plus je constate que la maniere de jouer � un sport collectif est tres differente d'un cote et de l'autre du Channel
merci � toi Sodapop pour donner (peut etre ) des id�es de ce cot� ci de la Manche
and maybee I come back with you in 1 or 2 week
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These girls are horrible! Play some defense GODDAMIT!!! at least pope check or take the body...They will never win a game!!!
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The hockey never looks like that when I play.
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These girls need some hockey lessons. I could personally train them on how to hold a stick properly!