Strip Game - Loser Has to Give a Nude Lap Dance to the Pizza Guy download wmv download mp4

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Description: I've never seen anyone suck at Bizz Buzz this hard before! Her loss is our (as well as the pizza guys) gain!

Views: 871705 Date: October 25, 2012 Favorited: 57 favorites

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1) What the fuck is Bizz Buzz?
2) This has been my dream since I started delivering pizzas.
base212assm replied:
Silly math game of knowing multiples. In their game the numbers are 3 adn 5. Any multiple of 3 (3,6,9, 12) is replaced with "bizz" and any multiple of 5 (5, 10) is replaced with "buzz" However, a common multiple (15) is replaced with "bizz-buzz"

Math class game that works for drinking parties.
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if I was the pizza guy I would of pulled out dick and fucked her
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The blond fucking killed it
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We (and the pizza guy) would have gained far more if she did not suck so bad... if she could have played the game with some skill we would have ultimately gotten 1 naked girl and 4 nearly naked girls as opposed to 1 naked girl and 4 fully dressed girls.