Sripping Regina - Sexy and Creepy

Description: I guess I'll tag this as 'funny' since creepy isn't an option.. Not sure what the hell is going on here but the fat old dude manages to get her naked eventually..

Views: 212257 Date: February 21, 2009 Favorited: 28 favorites

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What exactly does "SRIPPING" in the title mean? Don't recall seeing it before.
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This woman called Regina Case, is an actress but currently only does social projects. I am Brazilian and I try to translate retrieval you what it says in this video and what happens.

First she arrives at the home of this man who is a deputy at the suggestion of a friend looking for work. It serves a drink to her and begins to give off her. It think it very strange begins to escape him, but he grabs her and takes her clothes off. Then she starts running and screaming "Relax! Stop it! Thinking what?" And then the deputy chasing her. Then they jump in psicina and he takes her panties and begins to speak "I'll get you, I'ma member and have impunity!" And she replies "It impunity but you're a jerk, you will not eat me!" And he begins to threaten her, "I'm gonna get you, I'll eat you!" then she is only teasing him, saying, "You asshole, you will not eat me, I'm shitting for his impunity, his elephant, disgusting." And at the end of the video she says: "I have noje of man, I'm sick of used underwear, I want to see me nervous of used underwear. The most disgusting thing they have is man"

This is what aonteceu in the video, and sorry if my English is bad. As to why the video is a movie or not, that I'll no's because he is too old, just know that he was playing in what is a Rede Bandeirantes TV channel open.
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Great clip. She wasn't really fighting to keep her clothes on especially when the guy pulls down her dress. She actually steps out of the dress had it in her hand for a second before letting it drop to the ground. Then when she was trying to climb out of the pool he grabs the back of her panties and she lets them slid off without trying to pull them back up. Not that I'm complaining.
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Please reply to this comment, as I really would value your opinions........I wouldn't punch one out to this chick, but I would fuck her.....Am I alone in this mindset?
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Hi, I am brasilian. This is a scene from a brasilian old movie named "Os sete gatinhos" (the seven cats). On this scene, the girl thinks that the old man will offer a job for her, because he knows her father, then he tries to fuck her and she is running out. I believe that threre is a lot more nude scenes from this movie.
mOOse replied:
thanks for the explanation :)
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reminds me of sonia braga in GABRIELLA now that's real woman.
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Yes, I believe that was some underwear eatage going on. Good for him........I'm all for old fat guys getting young stuff naked
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That was some serious bush.
I thought it was funny how he only took off one shoe to jump in the pool.
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dude... did he eat her underwears?
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"Sexy and Creepy"! Idea for a new site?
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Forgot to put "T"? :D

Nice video btw.
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I`ve several times seen clips from this sequence and wondered to myself what the bloody hell is going on but I gotta say: this clips didn`t exactly tell me alot. Of cource I don`t speak fluently Spanish but where they any some sort of date in the beginning?? WTF!!??
RBK replied:
*were they on a date ....
Dried replied:
Its portuguese, not spanish. I think its a VERY OLD movie, cause ive seen this actress not 2 long ago and she was SO old...

Basically, what is going on:
He was on a "date" with her and tought she was a prostitute. I dont know why, would have to watch the movie to know that.
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wtf :D
DrDoom replied:
This scene is from the Brazilian movie "Os Sete Gatinhos" (1980, portuguese for Seven Little Cats,, based on a theater script from Nelson Rodrigues. It is about a disturbed family where the father manages his first two daugthers on prostitution, but preserves his younger daughter.
The girl (nowadays a mid-age woman) is brazilian actress an TV presenter Regina Cas� ( daughter of director Geraldo Cas�. And the fat guy (he plays a congressman in this movie) is the late greate actor Maur�cio do Valle ( , the favorite actor of the late great director Glauber Rocha (