Simones Top Explosion

Description: A very short clip from a German movie starring Simone Hanselmann. She's auditioning for a theater role when she suffers a major wardrobe malfunction.

Views: 413537 Date: October 2, 2008 Favorited: 70 favorites

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awsome rack
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ummm you would think that she would have relized that it would happen given that her boobs are too big for that shirt...then again blond duh
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SIMONE the SUPER BOWL is feb 1 ,i hope you can be there for the halftime festivities.
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im confused....when did we start categorizing and stop just appreciating a set of tits??? this is still the blue planet third from Sol, right? i mean, the one with humans as the dominant species, not computer based fashion programs...."fake, real, big small, floppy, god people. wake the fuck up! tits are tits!
Shadro replied:
Amen: tits are tits and those were some tits
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Top was pretty much see-thru from the start... anyways nice lil click, gave me a chuckle anyways. Fake tits really aint too great though, esp the obvious ones.... and then ESP the botched ones... but lets not get into those
2sToNeD2ThInK replied:
SmashPlayer replied:
i hope you dont think these are botched...because if you do you must be blind D:
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woo hoo fake tits.... too bad sarcasm doesn't work well in comment boxes.
mOOse replied:
too bad 95% of your posts are criticizing the content. one has to wonder, why do you keep coming back?
teh question replied:
Because when he does it in real life he gets decked out for being an ass, so he does it here so he doesn't have to worry about getting laid out for his asinine remarks. /:-)
the064cobra replied:
Sorry devil.... I have to agree with them. Very rare do you have anything positive to say. You did for a few posts awhile back...but damn dude. It appears you started back on the neg again. You seem like a very unhappy person. Just my perspective.
never more replied:
maybe he's just playing devil's advocate
the064cobra replied:
There is a difference...
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wow nice
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hahaha that was great..thi is why i love german Tv ! :D
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at the start of the vid... guess this is what supergirl's dress wud look like in real life!!!