Sexy Tetris Game

Description: You may have seen this 'tetris' game before but Italians have decided to make it better by having hot girls in bikinis as the contestants. Thumbs up from me!

Views: 153477 Date: October 25, 2009 Favorited: 10 favorites

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+ -
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It was sexier when Dale effing Winton was doing it,

Erm, actually, it wasn't!
+ -
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that's not tetris. it's hole in the wall show.

and no nudity. This clip is LAME
Tim the Tool Men replied:
What part of sexy and FUNNY you could not read?
TotalRecall replied:
What part about that video was funny?
LilMidjitAznBoi replied:
idiot , hole in the wall is a copy of japans tetris but an american version
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