Roberta Gets her Boobs Out!

Description: Our local porn show reporter wayne77 was at last weeks Venus show in Berlin where he filmed Roberta Missoni get topless for her fans. Your neck may hurt after a while but it's worth it!

Views: 306977 Date: October 28, 2008 Favorited: 48 favorites

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Nice boobs, but the f***ing retard working the camera needs to learn how to use it! Hope you are reading this wayne77, you stupid dumbass, get an education and learn to use a camera!
Rick Astley replied:
You ungrateful stupid! What have you done so far except leeching? Be humble to those who has done something that you are watching this video.
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Go to your desktop if you have windows, right click and go to graphics options, then rotation, then 90 or 270 degrees...tada!!
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Great vid, although my neck hurts now for some strange reason!!
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Worst camerawork ever. Almost as bad as using an iphone
the064cobra replied:
Serious. that is some serious amateur camera work right there. He thinks he's being "fashionable" but he's being an idiot for even owning a camera much less a video camera..
mOOse replied:
lets take it easy on him.. if he didn't record this, we wouldn't be watching it right now..
Swordmasterb replied:
Would any of you be able to the camera steady, while looking at those boobs [i]in person?[/i]
I don't think I could!
the064cobra replied:
I could. Cuz that's what I do for a living! :) Filming with a boner takes a lot of good control! :P
Swordmasterb replied:
Lucky you...
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is the camera man a flounder or a summer fluke because apparently he sees sideways