Pre-Game Boob at Rugby Game

Description: This happened about 10 days ago, at the rugby match between Toulon & Stade Francais. Doesn't look like a wardrobe malfunction either, the boob was part of the show! Ah, the French.

Views: 186893 Date: November 1, 2010 Favorited: 31 favorites

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Vive la poitrine!
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Nobody see....the show jajajaa
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She could walk around half naked and nobody would bat an eye because it's natural.
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I just think its funny that all those men and you think one of them would have said hey your boob is hanging out.
mOOse replied:
i really think that's how it was meant to go.
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I'm a dad of two daughters late teens to early 20's. I love them both beyond belief, and I'd do anything and everything that I could to help them and boost them, but I just can't process how an exposed boob is anything that anyone should really even give a poo about. I DO love boobs, but let's get real, half the population has them. Hey-it's not all that big of a deal.
dreifort replied:
as here in America, when people are lead to believe that boobs are sacred, then what do those ppl do? telling ppl you shouldn't look at boobs make ppl want to look at them even more. While still arousing, seeing boobs in Europe is like finding $5 on the ground. Seeing boobs in America is like finding $500 on the ground.
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So.... In America we see 1/10 of a second of nipple and children are all suddenly sex fiends, but in France they can show this and nothing happens....

Maybe we SHOULD try to be more like the French here in America!!
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Only made me want to see both at once. Darn nice pillow.
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Yep, she's supposed to be an Amazon, so I guess that's why her boob is out.
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Jane of the Jungle
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Un Amazon!

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nice boobs