Playboy's Montreal Casting Video! download wmv download mp4

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Description: We saw the gallery already (click here) and now it's time to see these ladies in motion. Playboy magazine may no longer have nudes but Playboy Plus is looking as good as ever!

Views: 63165 Date: October 15, 2015 Favorited: 10 favorites

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+ -
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I heard the news from my cousin, that Playboy magazine won't show nude photos. When she told me that, I cried.
+ -
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Good speed
+ -
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Playboy without nudes would have worked ten years ago. Now, it is an act of desperation. I really think this is a big publicity stunt. Drive up circulation while the last nudes get printed, then reverse the decision after a few issues flop. The idea that office workers will have Playboys at their desk is ridiculous in this PC world. Crumbling sales will hit rock bottom without the nudes. Besides, all those girls who dreamed of appearing nude in Playboy will have fewer reasons to get naked for internet shots. Cybergirls and Plus will see a downturn as fewer girls will pose without the dream of making it big in the US edition of Playboy.
mOOse replied:
Did the video play better for you speed-wise?
Three D replied:
lmao at this exchange.
mOOse replied:
he doesn't reply to PM's :(