Patricia Flashes in a Supermarket

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Description: Question: how do you make shopping for bananas more exciting? Answer: flash your boobs up and down the isle! One very lucky mailman gets a surprise too.

Views: 180819 Date: July 28, 2011 Favorited: 28 favorites

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This might sound odd but the store looked like one I usually go to, aside from the hot woman.
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are you guys nuts she isnt attractive at all
june pearl replied:
Are you sure you are a guy?And if you are,not gay?
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This is one of the few videos I have ever seen that shows someone flashing when another person (other than the camera operator) is present--and that doesn't come until the end, with the mail carrier (or the person beside the mail carrier's truck). Prior to that, Patricia flashes--if you can call it that--in a supermarket with no shoppers and no store employees anywhere in sight. How brave is that?
tanom1 replied:
Reply to powertool
If you actually pay attention to the video there are other people around. Lets see at the very begining in the parking lot there are two older women right behind her. The as she is walking toward the camera next to the freezers you can see people behind her and one person walks by.... I would much rather see her flashing than have the camera man looking around for passerbyers llooking around
capn jack replied:
think you are missing the point powertool... when they say "(whatever model) flashes" they mean flashes US, not flashes random people. Point is they COULD get caught, not to get themselves arrested for assaulting old ladies! Maybe japanese zenra is more what you are looking for?
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da hell...why are they always driving a GT-R?
martial eagle replied:
how to download these videos please
mOOse replied:
right-click the icon (format) of your choosing next to the title and select save as.