Oh Yeah - Reset's Uncensored Boob Bouncing Video!

video courtesy of: WeAreReset.com. If you liked what you saw/heard, go check them out!

Description: This is the official music video for Reset's hit song called Oh Yeah! It's also officially the sexiest music video of 2012.

Views: 305068 Date: February 15, 2012 Favorited: 41 favorites

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Note to self, and all others about to make this mistake: watch the clip before reading the comments
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i almost puke when they show all them nasty real tits. lard filled sacs and no firm like the first one. ps the first one was pretty shit boob job on the bottom of em
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The addition of the women with the real breasts was a great idea. Then you got some real bouncing. As for the music...not sure what the singers were actually singing about.
Mr.1987 replied:
I wasn't listening to the music,I was just looking at those tits
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how can i share it in facebook??
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This like watching a rubber ball. snore.
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would I have chosen a woman with implants for a bouncing scene? No. Was it sexy anyway? Yes.
Granted jigglebility is the disadvantage of implants but what they lack in jiggly giggety, they make up for in firmness and size!
tlm550 replied:

Why do you ask yourself questions and then answer them? That is a very strange thing to do.
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Its not the fake that is the problem people it is that cheap boob job. To make it simple there is over the muscle and under. Over looks like the boobs in the video, under looks a lot more natural and most people can't tell.
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There wasn't a moment of that I didn't like.
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Fantastic! Love that these these girls love getting their gear out for us. Even in the face of the haters...
mOOse replied:
nothing funnier than guys on the internet expressing their hate for fake boobs. i wonder how many of them would kick her out of bed..

ps there were more sets of real boobs than fake ones in the video, the fake ones just happened to get most of the airtime!
Captain_Fantasy replied:

Why even call them fake?
It's not like the boobs are imaginary. They're just augmented.

Would I kick out babe #1? Of course not!
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Agree, hate fake boobs. Why do they do it? Spoiled the video for me.
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This is like a public service announcement showing why breast implants are almost always a terrible idea.
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One of the best video's ever
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Boob Bouncing Video? Worst description ever...

The sexiest music video of 2012? Justin bieber is sexier than that fake shit...
Coxaronie replied:

Okey, i paused after 30 seconds.. It got some bouncing in there... But hell no, this is not the sexiest music video of 2012.
asdil2010 replied:
how did to post it booobss??
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The fake ones suck but the real ones are great (and suckable).
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Kennytb08 said:
That.... Was just pure awesomeness O_O
the backside was better than the front
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both got boring!
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We've come a long way since "Thriller."

Gotta love boobs.
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That.... Was just pure awesomeness O_O
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Real boobs bouncing-Poetry in motion
Fake boobs bouncing-#$#^#*&&^#%%#
RICH74 replied:
THANK YOU JUNE! Nothing beats real boobs. The only time fake ones are ok is when they are covered enough to hide their fakeness and rigidity.
Venomkd replied:
i couldn't agree more, i hate fake boobs myself especially when you see the ripples of the implant