Oh Yeah - Reset's Uncensored Boob Bouncing Video!
Description: This is the official music video for Reset's hit song called Oh Yeah! It's also officially the sexiest music video of 2012.
Views: 305068
Date: February 15, 2012
Favorited: 41

Granted jigglebility is the disadvantage of implants but what they lack in jiggly giggety, they make up for in firmness and size!
Why do you ask yourself questions and then answer them? That is a very strange thing to do.
ps there were more sets of real boobs than fake ones in the video, the fake ones just happened to get most of the airtime!
Why even call them fake?
It's not like the boobs are imaginary. They're just augmented.
Would I kick out babe #1? Of course not!
The sexiest music video of 2012? Justin bieber is sexier than that fake shit...
Okey, i paused after 30 seconds.. It got some bouncing in there... But hell no, this is not the sexiest music video of 2012.
Gotta love boobs.
Fake boobs bouncing-#$#^#*&&^#%%#