Nudity in French Shower Gel Ad

Description: This seems a little out there, even for France. Topless girls are shown in what looks like an otherwise normal ad for a shower gel called Tahiti.

Views: 209912 Date: May 21, 2010 Favorited: 24 favorites

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I live in Europe and get to see a lot more nudity around than I did in Canada.

Even when I lived in Turkey (96% Muslim) there was more nudity around! Topless beaches and most newspapers had centerfolds or back page girls.
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See, that there is why i love living in europe :P
bikeriderz replied:
Nudity just isn't viewed the same as in the States. It's much nicer, not so intimidating.
Gigantuous_Guy replied:
The Europeans, at least the majority of them in my opinion, know how to make nudity an art form and not smutty like so many in the United States do. That's so pathetic! The human body is supposed to be admired not desecrated through smut. This here video shows how nudity doesn't have to be smutty. It also shows that there is no reason to be shy or uncomfortable being naked. This is why I like this video.
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