Nude Cosmetic Ad

Description: This is a spoof of certain cosmetic ads in which everyone is completely naked. Warning - it does contain a few penises, so if you don't want to see them..don't look at them!

Views: 388194 Date: July 27, 2008 Favorited: 55 favorites

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Really natural....
keep it up....
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i get it. they have nothing to hide. and whats with teh pregnant chick???
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Good ad! They really have nothin' to hide...:))
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LuweeWu said:
Real people doing real things. All natural. Beautiful. I would much rather have this on my TV than all that violence anyday.
the064cobra replied:
That has got to be the most truthful and important message I've heard in a long time. THUMBS UP!
I agree. We're all born nude. Society teaches us that nudity is wrong.
MC-Pope-VII replied:
you all make a very good point. i feel a naked rebbelion is in order.
Dinkytoy replied:
If only everyone looked this good I'd second the comments here. Just go to a nudist beach though and you'd change your mind fast!
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the thing that i thought was weird was the pregnat lady
bigmancov replied:
try having sex with a pregnant woman. its so much better
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This is nice in a simple way. Shame more of life can't look this good!
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If you are affraid of seeing a penis you have serious problems.
the064cobra replied:
Yea. I have to agree. If you're that freaked about seeing a weenie or two, you have some self issues you need to work on. 4Sho!
Dinkytoy replied:
You'd be happy to have your children view and take part in this as well? In real life there would be pervs and sickos as well preying on the weak and helpless. I sure wouldn't want to see O'Bummer or Nancy Pelosi stark naked on the beach for sure.
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Real people doing real things. All natural. Beautiful. I would much rather have this on my TV than all that violence anyday.
the064cobra replied:
That has got to be the most truthful and important message I've heard in a long time. THUMBS UP!