Nicole Graves takes a Shower

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Description: Having apparently just run a mile Nicole is all dirty and needs a shower. She's nice enough to let us watch.. enjoy! In other news amateur hottie Moosh is back on our forums!

Views: 218425 Date: August 4, 2009 Favorited: 68 favorites

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yea who was the cameraman dude i can give you free lessons to teach you how to film a naked chick showering she wanted you to film her ass when she turned around and started rubbing it.
who worked on her boobies who ever did good job big and busty i wish my tits where like those
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if only the camera man wasnt a dumbass or the nozzle was my penus..... oh well
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there's no way she could run a mile with those titties... she'd be hitting herself in the damn face
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She's just about the right amount naughty and sexy!
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hahaha the video guy may have been busy ...or distracted...shes very cute but she needs to be more natural...she sounds a bit forced!
The Aristocrat0 replied:
Ya, it's the same with the rest of her videos as well. Her moaning sounds ridiculously fake.
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The camera guy is just fucking awful. Jesus, she had her back turned to us for half the video, but he only had her ass on camera for about four seconds. I can't mastrubate to shoulder blades, asshole, take a film class.
mOOse replied:
Theodore Bagwell replied:
But the she has most beautifull set of scapulas you'll ever see!
RBK replied:
Whiner of the day. :D
ChrisCook91389 replied:

LOL, "Whiner of the day", Go use a TSN 2 cam
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best showe vid i seen so far. her boobs r awesome too. they have the size i like without sagging a whole lot.
Shadrogue replied:
it's because they're fake, dude
mOOse replied:
hahaha. best comments ever.