NakedNews: Katherine Curtis Talks Valentines Day

Description: She tells you exactly what she thinks about it and doesn't hold back! I happen to agree with her wholeheartedly..

Views: 180719 Date: February 15, 2011 Favorited: 41 favorites

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I love her smooth vagina. Wish I could see it better
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Katherine Curtis is sweet, pertty, "red head", and she knows what she is talking about.
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She is amazing and beautiful. Funny I was actually paying attention to what she said.
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Katherine Curtis sounds as though she is intelligent and actually comes across professionally. She obviously doesn't have a problem with being naked as she doesn't come across even the least bit shy or uncomfortable being that way which is the way all people should be about their bodies. However, I can't help but wonder why someone would take being a birthday suit broadcaster on an Internet website over being a network newscaster? Usually, as I have found out, that doing a job naked usually has a hidden implications like a person and so often it's the woman needs money and will go that extra mile by doing whatever she needs to do in order to get it and if that means getting naked or worse then so be it. If that's the case with Katherine Curtis then it's too bad. Like I said, the more natural a woman looks the more I like it but if it's done only for the almighty dollar in some way, shape, or form then it's prostitution pure and simple and that is just flat-out wrong!
Kahlil replied:

Is that why she said she couldn't turn on the radio for two weeks without /seeing/ an ad for valentine's day? :P
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Well she's talking something that actually makes sense.
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How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

$100, $200, $300...