NakedNews: Abusive Bloopers! download wmv download mp4

Description: All of bloopers from this weeks blooper real have one thing in common and that is the girls flipping the bird like there's no tomorrow. Funnily enough they censor it with, uh, birds.

Views: 113254 Date: April 23, 2012 Favorited: 22 favorites

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I think they missed censoring one of the locker girl's "birds" but it was too quick to tell. Speaking of, what an incredible rack on her!
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Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit strange that they can show full nudity but have to censor out bad language and middle fingers??
mOOse replied:
no you are not.
D Ddun replied:
Yeah 26 that's odd and a bit silly.
base212assm replied:
Nudity is natural, but foul language and crude behavior is not.
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