Naked News Talks Lingerie

Description: Kind of a funny topic for them to be talking about given how quickly they take theirs off during reports!

Views: 136141 Date: August 12, 2010 Favorited: 18 favorites

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Ah, my favorite beach scene.
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wooww aprill.....
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april! love ya boobs
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I'm a bit confused why this has a "Katherine Curtis" tag when she's only in it for a couple seconds. Valentina Taylor would make more sense.

Also I love NN, but the fashion segments are kinda "meh" IMHO.(Even the lingerie ones)
mOOse replied:
there's a very limited amount of videos they're letting us use for promotion, so there isn't much to pick from. and you can blame michelle for the tags :)

what do you rate as good segments by the way?
Threk replied:
Naked Nerd is my favorite by far.
Flex Appeal might lack humor but it's sexy and educational.
Bloopers are almost always hilarious.
Naked goes Pop, and the Schmooze vary a lot by the topic or guest but there are some great ones.
Cooking in the Raw is one of my favorites, but I like to cook so it might not appeal to everyone.
News off the top is occasionally funny when they decide to run some lighter pieces (I like it when they're serious, and they do have solid news coverage but the time delay and the fact that this is a humor site...)
Threk replied:
Oh I should add Boob of the Week can be pretty good too.
I just felt the KFC one was a weaker Boob of the week.

The one where they had a tie between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Muammar al-Gaddafi was snarky and funny(IMHO).
insomnia replied:
You sure know your naked news.
Threk replied: