Naked in the Wrong Locker Room
Description: She plays it pretty damn cool. I have no idea where this is from but it's pretty awesome and if anyone knows please fill us in (as well as to what she actually says).
Views: 328418
Date: November 17, 2010
Favorited: 38

"Ah salut. Ah j'ai mal aux couilles moi ! Excuse moi mec, pardon, ah une petite douche pour d�crasser tout �a, �a va pas �tre du luxe"
Which means:
"Oh Hi. My balls hurt ! Excuse me dude, sorry, oh, a little shower to clean all this won't be too much"
I d
I obviously translate just the end :that says the girl when the boy saw her the front of the urinal ......
my English is still limited
Hi boys !it hurts my balls ...... I'm taking a shower ...