MoneyTalks: Girls Gets Paid to Wear a See Through Bikini download wmv download mp4

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(Hardcore Warning)

Description: And of course she also has to take a dip in it to make it even more see through. Oh MoneyTalks, I hope you never run out of fun dares.

Views: 479340 Date: September 9, 2015 Favorited: 24 favorites

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What's the girl in the bikinis name?
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What is the girl who go in the bras name, she's so hot.
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I haven't really watched these since Havoc hosted so I don't know if the new host is at fault or the producers but they're a lot more stingy with their money nowadays. They used to offer a few hundred more for doing less.
jimmy2027 replied:
Lol you didn't know it is mostly staged?
NateDog033 replied:
Staged or not, that bikini on that red head was hot hot hot
Shakros replied:
It's staged?! No! You mean the girl whose face isn't blurred is not the obvious taker on the host's offer? I am shocked!