Model Told Off for Being Topless

Description: The guy that did the telling off must've been the least popular person in the room. There's also a topless porn star on the poster in the background so not sure what the problem was.

Views: 127366 Date: May 16, 2011 Favorited: 15 favorites

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At the risk of being the voice of reason...he is behind the there... also, nude pictures are one thing, nude in public, is a crime. also most venues like that are rented property for the day/weekend/w.e so they must abide by the owners wishes, or be gone. And seriously, its Angelina Valentine, seeing her naked isn't exactly new and exciting, or really nice with those things looking like they are going to pop at any moment
base212assm replied:
first of all, she was not nude. she was topless. Secondly, depending on State and city, topless in public is not always crime. Thirdly, if as you suggest it is public property being rented, being topless is not a crime at all. Many states only can regulate the sale of liquor when topless or nude persons are about the premises. Yes, you must abide by the owners wishes, but I seriously doubt the guy sitting behind a table owns the facility. There was a huge poster showing tits and nipples, so what is the big deal in showing the real thing? In this day, we ought not run for cover at the sight of a woman's breast. Since an exposed breast harms no one, a free society ought not to tell the woman to put her breast away, but rather tell those so easily offended to turn and look the other way.
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what a fag!
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If I was there I would not hesitate to pop that moron and drag his unconscious body out of there. Come on guys, who's with me?
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Theres a nude poster in the background.
Shadowldd replied:
a nude pic in the background so y can't she be naked if the pic can?
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she had a cracking set of inflatables hehe :-)
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oh wow, hoped that he realized that he was at a porn convention......
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wot a wanker