Lucky Guy Films Topless Milf Trying on Clothes download wmv download mp4

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Description: Well barely what I would call a milf but that's what they refer to her as so lets just go with it. She seems fun!

Views: 189851 Date: June 25, 2012 Favorited: 31 favorites poll

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She quite nice but can we have some GILF next please XD
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Props to whoever did her boobs. One of the nicer examples of large breasts without the crosseyed nipples or lumpy overly rounds protrusions. Top drawer indeed.
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Hard to tell...the damn cameraman couldn't stop shaking! Not that I would do any better with her in front of me.
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If she's hot and has children, she's a MILF, regardless of age.

She *is* hot.
mOOse replied:
and i think your interpretation of the word is far too literal!
mr300 replied:
i agree with garison808, its spelled right out for you, if you want an age classification, see cougar.
mOOse replied:
cougar is a specific type of older woman, one that 'hunts' younger guys so that's not really the same thing at all. milf, at the very least in the world of online porn, refers to a hot more 'mature' looking woman. wikipedia seems to agree!
s1c8o7t replied:
Reply to garison808: I agree with mOOse. It's on the internet so it has to be true. And wikipedia never lies.
Spidey replied:
Does it really matter as long as she has boobs?
mOOse replied:
boobs. i mean no.