Lesbian Sorority Boot Camp Training download wmv download mp4

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You can find a whole bunch of full length, HD and far more explicit sorority
initiation videos than we can show here at www.HazeHer.com
(hardcore warning!)

Description: You saw a picture in yesterday's Random Photos, now you get the video! There's few things these girls won't do to join the sorority, getting soaked while naked isn't one of them.

Views: 217609 Date: July 10, 2013 Favorited: 42 favorites

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+ -
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The vids are ok, but the girls doing the hazing are just too bitchy and foul. I turn the sound off.
mOOse replied:
yeah, that's a bit of a trend with these videos.
+ -
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She is not a very nice person, but I am not going to argue with her
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