Keira Jones and Friend Get Intimate and Topless in the Office download wmv download mp4

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Description: British babe Keira gets a little lonely at the office so she decides to get it on with her very hot (but nameless) work colleague.

Views: 123492 Date: April 11, 2012 Favorited: 29 favorites

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Damnit. I mean 1st on the right.
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The girl that was 1st on the left, had amazing boobs.
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Not to complain when two ladies are exposing their lovely bits, but this wasn't very sexy in the slightest. It's one of those vids that I hate when the ladies seem put out and generally not into it. You can tell by the way they move and look offscreen that they're thinking, "Maybe this will look hot." Such a waste.

No slam on the site of course. I'm just stating my opinion.
base212assm replied:
They seem more interested in the camera than the other lady. And whatever is happening off camera seems to pull their attention as well.
Shakros replied:
Agreed. Poor actors poor director = poor film
mOOse replied:
i don't often agree with negative comments but i agree with this one..