Karlie and Friend Compare Boobs download wmv download mp4

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Description: Actually, she's interviewing Karlie as they get progressively nuder, but the boob comparing was my favorite part. You might even learn a thing or two about what girls like!

Views: 205234 Date: May 3, 2012 Favorited: 41 favorites

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Loopylarry said:
I typically LOVE Emily Addison videos, but what she's done to her hair is in no way a favor and the lady she's interviewing... Well, let's just say that she wasn't blessed in the face area.

Are you gay? ... Karlie is beautiful! & her body is perfect!
Loopylarry replied:
Thanks for the needless attack on my sexuality. It's called taste. Taste is subjective. Get over yourself. You like her. I don't. That's life you fucking moron.
Shakros replied:
I'm with Loopylarry. Not all guys are such mindless animals that we'd fuck anything with tits and a pussy. I don't care much for Karlie Montana myself (reminds me of those flat faced cats) but definitely have a hard on for Emily Addison
RavenRileyNumber1Fan replied:
Reply to Loopylarry: Ok. You wouldn't do her. That's your issue. It was rude saying "She wasn't blessed in the face area" I'd like to see you find someone as beautiful as her.
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Wow. they are uber gorgeous.
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I typically LOVE Emily Addison videos, but what she's done to her hair is in no way a favor and the lady she's interviewing... Well, let's just say that she wasn't blessed in the face area.