Introducing a Hot Asian: Lily Figuera! download wmv download mp4

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of Lily Figuera go check out her site!

Description: Lily is cooking up something sweet today, and her apron is just too big enough for her nipples to slip out every now and then. So, so hot.

Views: 113954 Date: April 20, 2012 Favorited: 26 favorites

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I want to redo your description:-Lily is cooking up something sweet today, and her apron is just small enough for her nipples to slip out every now and then. So, so very hot,and maybe I should look for more videos of her.- there you go good as new! sounds better doesn't it? lemme know how you like it m00se.
chaoxx replied:
she could have put some chocolate on her tits. omfg I love an asian chick who can cook and be sexy while doing it... if you with me holla "I".
mOOse replied:
she does actually in the whole video!
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Now I'm hungry for "Chocolate a la Lily"
Shakros replied:
forgot to add "must see more or her"
Venomkd replied:
lol yeah get me some of that too!
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I think her lipstick would look good on my dick!
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Captain_Fantasy said:
You look good Lily, but you don't need as much make up.
mOOse replied:
not a huge make up fan in general but it kind of works on her. hot.

not a fan of make up myself but i'm a sucker for asians
onesmallstep replied:
I'm with you guys.... se asian and make up... yes! not needed, but boy does it work!
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You look good Lily, but you don't need as much make up.
mOOse replied:
not a huge make up fan in general but it kind of works on her. hot.