Girl Changes her Clothes in the Back of a Taxi download wmv download mp4

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Hardcore Warning: Most of the girls end up doing a lot more than just flashing..

Description: She didn't seem the least bit concerned about getting her boobs out in front of the taxi driver, but having it on tape is where she draws the line.

Views: 269280 Date: October 22, 2013 Favorited: 35 favorites

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First: I think we should quote instead of replying. That way I can rep the replies. Also the person quoted gets notified.

Second: ARE YOU SUGGESTING THIS IS STAGED?!?! I knew it from the way she undressed. Girls have weird underwear removal rituals. Well done as a fake though.
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nice titties!!!
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What?!? Bang bus isn't real?? You mean that random girls walking on the street don't want to fuck in a van?
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How is the black dress "warmer" ?
mOOse replied:
well for starters black colored clothes absorb the heat more and... i've got nothin'
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There is no proof it is a real taxi. Very high chance of staged, reason being that the camera has different angles centered on the woman. It was obviously setup beforehand for exclusive shots on the woman.
mOOse replied:
next thing you'll tell me is that the bang bus isn't real?!
sfwriter replied:
Another clue that it isn't real is that it's called "Fake Taxi"! But you know what, who gives a crap, there's boobs for god's sakes.