Four Girls Play Strip Spin the Bottle, Losers Streak Down the Hall!

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Description: The same girls from this video. Tempting to say something here but I wouldn't want to ruin the outcome for you..

Views: 671796 Date: November 30, 2011 Favorited: 59 favorites

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she should have locked the room door lol
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When naked girls compete 26 we win!
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Love the premise of the site but the videos need a higher frame rate, otherwise if people think this choppy video is the end product, they're not as likely to buy subscriptions when competitors deliver higher quality videos.

Best of luck. You have a good thing going.
mOOse replied:
thus the disclaimer at the bottom of the banner. the video quality is better inside the members area and not choppy!
Captain_Fantasy replied:
Ah yes... well...
mmm, yeah. Sorry.
mOOse replied:
actually i can see what you mean, even the audio is a little out of sync. i prepare them the same way i do others, so i'm not sure why it's happening.. probably due to the million edits i do vs just a few for most other videos. the original version of this video for example is 14 minutes, and you can imagine all the cuts i had to do to make the game still flow to some extent while showing all the good parts.
D Ddun replied:
You know I did not notice at all. Seriously, it seemed fine. Good point mind you.