Ember Reigns Shows off her Booty

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Description: New girl on the block Ember shows off her amazing body in her first (and hopefully not last) promo video.

Views: 185685 Date: June 27, 2009 Favorited: 42 favorites

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Couldn't believe she took of her panties. Almost all the cam vids featured on this site (I'm not a total perv, I don't search for it) have only been teasers. Only thing missing from this nice vid is some more ass!!
ta192 replied:
Well, I am a total perv, and I, too, have noticed the same thing...
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Ok, for starters, something is only fake if they DON'T EXIST, those tits CERTAINLY exist and I say bravo to her for getting them, and TYVM for the doctor that "enhanced" them!
ratmaster90 replied:
fake can mean not the original... and those definately are not her original tits
RBK replied:
fake=implants. she has implants. Nonetheless she is very hot.
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OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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All I saw was how fake her tits are.
dippy1423 replied:
get off your high horse! you'd fuck her in an instant if she walked into your room and said 'Take me!' titties are terrific in all their shapes and sizes, so give me a break. if you were getting pussy like this you'd be out doing it instead of browsing sites like this and criticizing women.
RBK replied:
Yes, titties are terrific in all their sizes. So why meddle in?