Daniela Blume Hot TV Strip

Description: Full video of Spanish hottie Daniela Blume stripping for a Spanish TV show. Gotta love how she covers up at the end before answering questions!

Views: 178595 Date: April 19, 2010 Favorited: 54 favorites

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PLEASE COULD SOMEONE SAY ME THAT WH0CH SPANISH CHANNEL IS THIS AND WHICH SATTELITE ?!?!? I'm from Turkey and I very liked this tv show. I'm gonna use (turn) my 1 of sattelite to this sattelite direction if it's possible. Please I'm waiting answer from a spanish people here or my mail addr. My mail address is parakazanma at gmail dot com. Ty for now.
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Is anyone really listening to the language? Hell, she's too hot for words. In any language. (you're up there too don't worry)
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shes from spain :) shes on of our most famous girls there.I love daniela! and of course shes hot...shes from spain! hahaha and Manel, catalan is the DIALECT and it is SPANISH TV :) cataluna is in spain!!!!!!!!!
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That is not a Spanish TV, that is a Catalan TV, and the language which they speak in is Catalan.
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She is ridiculously hot, as always. Is there an HQ version of this in the fourms?
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That is hot!
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Is it just me or is all the good stuff in other countries?