Czech Babe Flashes on a Tram

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Description: And then again off the tram. She also has a name, Florencia! Pretty daring, unless it was set up, but being in the Czech Republic something tells me that it's not. Pictures here.

Views: 193745 Date: June 1, 2011 Favorited: 55 favorites

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+ -
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Very nice but tame stuff compared to the Japanese equivalents aboard their public transports. Should plant a few passengers to appear like they are shocked or at least facing the camera and looking interested in the shoot.
+ -
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She's all natural.
+ -
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That was one nervous looking chick!
+ -
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She shows her boobs a bit too long to be a "flash" but do I look like I'm arguing?
shogg10 replied:
And am I the only one who notices that she isn't wearing anything under that skirt?
Shakros replied:
Yes, you do look like you're arguing
+ -
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She keeps her watch on. That's hot.