Crystal Wells Strips at a Concert

Description: Hungarian pornstar Crystal gets up on stage and proceeds to take her clothes off and play with herself while the band keeps playing. Neat!

Views: 283382 Date: June 19, 2008 Favorited: 39 favorites

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I need to go to concerts like this.
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devil said:
To bad the band sucks.

Because remember kids, the best way to judge the quality of a band's music is to listen to it via footage shot on some dude's shitty cell phone camera while he was trying to get shots of a naked porn star.

Studio recordings are bullshit; this is the only way to go.
+ -
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devil said:
To bad the band sucks. you ever say anything positive?
Steelflex27 replied:
what do you expect? he's the fucking devil! he doesn't say anything positive.
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I think the camera man was high...
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To bad the band sucks.
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Yeah...... I remember a festival in Norway where a couple went on stage and had sex, while the band kept playing.... That sure was something out of the ordinary!
Baku replied:
Wasn't that "Fck for the forest" or somthing? 'Cause they need to do more concerts like that.