Concert Flashing Part 2

Description: There's nothing better than seeing girls going crazy and flashing their boobs at concerts. This one definitely had it's share of flashers. Part 1 was here.

Views: 339854 Date: November 25, 2008 Favorited: 35 favorites

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From my husband Alex: taking stage by those girls is not really cool thing to do and they might deserved a kick unless guys called them. I am roady for more then 18 years and can say stage is private space where nobody exept musicians and crew can be.
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Not that I don't appreciate the effort, ladies....but.... don't quit your day job.
chris_ replied:
-Half a ziploc bag full of water down pudding-

Really, it seems like they're on ecstasy, judging by how off-beat they are dancing.
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I wonder how much that shitty band had to pay them to do that?
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in part 3 the lead singer prob says fuck it and just takes them all "Backstage"
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Honestly if I was playing in a band and that happened I think I would be kind of annoyed.
Shadro replied:
I get you, and that's the disadvantage of it being a smallish concert: no security. I mean seriously, if they like the band's songs, LET THEM PLAY THEM and save the making out and stuff for after
wookie232323 replied:
me too dawg. who was the girl at the very end with hella small titties?
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Looked like there may be part 3... if so, would appreciate it lotz. Still hot though