Carol Bounces on a Trampoline

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Description: Watching girls jump up and down naked on a trampoline never gets old. It also helps if they have nice sized rack... and Carol certainly does.

Views: 443713 Date: November 14, 2008 Favorited: 40 favorites

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Capn Jack:
That is a VERY OLD and very lame joke.
You've never heard that before?
You aren't clever at all.
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The person filming the model needs to back away. Her breast movements are blurred by the distance.
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Need more frames per second and higher bps rendering to flash video....
capn jack replied:
picky picky! if you manage to get a woman like that to jump on a fickin' tramploline NUDE, Damn it man, you film her with what ever you have, be it 8mm or etcha sketch! (ps- why has noone picked up on calling it a TRAMPoline when ladies bounce on it?? Come on... am I that much more clever than the rest o' ye?? : P
Winterlion replied:
Ahh. I do agree with you cobra. It would have turned a good vid into a great vid. But still, I'm glad this important moment in history was recorded with something. :)
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Yeah she definitely has a nice rack..btw i find its very interesting to film something like this on a farm/rural area, something rather different...
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The camera man needs a slap in the face. There is more to this woman than jus her tits, zoom out FFS!
SmashPlayer replied:
i dont know....when it comes to trampolines and bouncing, pussy and ass dont change much...boobs do ;D
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Nice rack, love to see those videos of beautiful women exercising in the nude