Busty Erica Campbell Posing

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Description: She may have retired a while ago now but there seems to be a never-ending supply of fresh content featuring her just waiting to get out. This is one such piece of content!

Views: 216040 Date: January 20, 2010 Favorited: 55 favorites

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sexy, hot bod, perfect tits.
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Not only did she go all born again but she got married.Oh and those are not fake they are 100% home grown.
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moody said:
I'll say it again: Erica is the greatest web girl of all time. As far as I'm concerned nobody else has come close and it'll be a long time before anyone does. There are tons of hot girls on the internet but she just had something special.

Someone's a bit delusional. She's just a 29 year old hoe with a pretty godo boob job.
+ -
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I'll say it again: Erica is the greatest web girl of all time. As far as I'm concerned nobody else has come close and it'll be a long time before anyone does. There are tons of hot girls on the internet but she just had something special.
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If I woke up and saw those puppies in the mirror every morning I think I would believe that there must be a God too. In fact I think I have seen the light!
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Man, why did she have to find God and retire? Yet another thing that religion has fucked me out of....
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imagine waking up one morning,and you are taking a shower and you soap up your chest and
you discover that something has happened that will make your life so pleasant from now on,