Brea Lynn Strips

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Description: Sexy blonde bombshell Brea strips out of her red dress and shows us her body. Hooray for us I guess.

Views: 193460 Date: November 11, 2009 Favorited: 48 favorites

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pokemon- chill! yes she has foobies, but not only do they look good but she admitted it too! And FYI a body like that can not be obtained through surgery alone... only hard work gets you muscle tone like that. And yes in my medical opinion, this is a "she" -ridiculous that you would even question that. You are a bit over the top my man.
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She had so much surgery she could have a been a man before they started cutting and putting the plastic in. Her breasts aren't even effective by gravity they're like those balloons filled with sand from the dollar store. I think if she was Au naturelle she was hot unless she was a he. There's no hiding the overall bone structure. 14 people liked this?! it's only 1:12 minutes long too...
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They really (!) are fake!
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hubba hubba
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geez...can someone at least ATTEMPT to make foobies LOOK real?
RBK replied:
what's foobies?
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Fake tits again. Nice nipples though.
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DAMN - what a hot sexy body.