Boobs Slipping Out During 'Yoga' Leads to a Lesbian Threesome download wmv download mp4

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(hardcore warning)

Description: Well, that was hot. Their names, for uh, research purposes are Mercedes Lynn, Karina White and Chloe Lynn.

Views: 719437 Date: February 11, 2013 Favorited: 52 favorites

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Too much time leading up to the good stuff and not enough time of the good stuff.

And who are they fooling with those half-assed attempts to cover up their exposed boobs? Not complaining about seeing them, just don't know why they bother trying (and failing) to cover up at all.
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Never long enough
mOOse replied:
right.. this is actually one of the longest videos on the site at 6.5 minutes!
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agreed^. would love to see a longer version
mOOse replied:
you can get the full version by signing up to the site below. this is why they let us use these clips :)
seanbob226 replied:
fair enough! should be grateful for the glimpse I guess haha
mOOse replied:
there are sites where you can probably find the ripped off full versions, but they're not exactly legal and may land you in hot water. with the clips they provide us, everybody wins!
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too short video :P