Bobbia Shows Us Some Love

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Description: To see more of Bobbia check out her thread on our forums, featuring plenty of pics of this stunning blonde bombshell.

Views: 165161 Date: March 23, 2010 Favorited: 23 favorites

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fine, curvy, sexy lady. and yeah, I waited for her to strip.
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All through that..I was shouting 'TAKE IT OFF...PLEASE'....was that wrong of me?
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A new Godess has emerged this 2010. What a beautiful body!! Thanks Bobbia for sharing this with the community of Sexy and Funny. We will waiting for the next post.
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Damm nearly broke my neck tilting from side to side so quickly, didn't want to miss anything! Kit on or off this is a very sexy lady, and the smile and the wink at the end looked genuine. Why is it that most models look so serious either in videos or stills? The ones who smile stick out a mile (well, makes mine stick out anyway!)
+ -
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Wow. Bobbia, you have one of the most amazing bodies I've ever seen.
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i'm tired of this bullshit. i come here to fucking jack off, not to watch a girl be a dumbass.

Either take your clothes off, or keep them on and make a funny video. Otherwise GTFO and don't make a any videos.
WeMakeSexytime replied:
I agree that i would like to see more of her if you know what i mean, but you don't have to be a blatant asshole about it, this girl is HOT, and if this doesn't make your dick go up, then you should go get a dick
bird lover replied:
I can understand what you're trying to say but there are better ways of saying it. By calling her a dumbass you only end up making yourself look like one.
stfunit replied:
Way to be a dick.
JohnDoe5150 replied:
Wow, you really are an idiot, you expect a model to fashion her videos around your masturbation schedule?
+ -
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what a cock the goods
Bobbia replied:
WeMakeSexytime replied:
planning on showing more skin bobbia?
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Plenty of equally hot or even hotter chicks are willing to actually SHOW their stuff so I need not waste time on teasers
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I can't think straight at the moment...
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Very sexy video. I almost didn't look because I thought they were the same pictures from her thread. I'm glad I took a look.