Big Boobs Squished Against a Glass Table

Description: This one is definitely for the lovers of big boobs. Nelli Roono is a 27 year old from Poland and she's packing some massive melons.

Views: 153621 Date: November 9, 2011 Favorited: 24 favorites

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Kinda weird.....
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You guys are crazy! This babe is fantastic! I want to be there, especially when she looks at the camera and motions to "come here, big boy"!
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That's just weird
Dinkytoy replied:
Darn right! Makes it look like her boobs have been sliced in half and we're looking at a section of them. Definitely not a turn-on!
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I know a lot of people here will disagree with me, but I think there comes a point that boobs are so big they become saggy and ugly.
Dinkytoy replied:
Same with dicks I suppose! How thick and long do they have to be when gals recoil in horror?
bOOb123 replied:
I'm actually gonna have to agree with you